Who We Are and What We Do
Security Solutions is located in metropolitan Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. We provide product, service and sales support for more than 50,000 retail stores in the United States, Canada, US Possession, and some International. We serve as a national distributor for many major door and hardware companies. We are a major buyer and provider of locksmith services, gate installation and repair, door and glass services, Intrusion Alarm, Fire Alarm, Integrator, CCTV/Digital Video, Electric Access Control and unarmed security guard services.
U-Change Rekeyable Locks
U-Change revolutionized the lock hardware industry with the world’s first infinitely user-rekeyable lock. Now it’s the lock of choice for major commercial/retail users.
Electronic Access Control
Our advanced systems give you total control over access to your building, systems, inventory and intellectual property: You decide who to let in, when, how and how often.
Video Surveillance
Our certified design specialists ensure that all tailored video solutions meet the highest performance standards.
“Security Solutions provides quality trustworthy products and excellent customer service”

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Need Instructions on how to rekey your U-Change Locks?
Scan the QR code below to see instructions on how to rekey your U-Change Locks.